Saturday, April 17, 2010

Cinnamon Rolls

Oh, how I love my cinnamon rolls!  They are so easy and yummy!

Thanks to everyone who has loved and shared this recipe.  I decided to move this recipe onto my personal blog.  Please click on the following link to find the recipe, complete with pictures and video!

I give step by step instructions, and the complete recipe is at the end.


  1. Those pictures turned out great. Thanks for taking the time to show us and let us eat your hard work.

    1. I am making these right now and i folled the directions exactly and my dough is super sticky and when i pick up the rolls after i cut them they completely unroll no matter how carefully i pick them up...hoping they come out right :/

    2. What type of mixer are you using? I have a 5 qt kitchen aide and this about climbed out of the bowl. They came out Delicious but I would love to know what mixer you are using because I make a lot of homemade bread and pasta.

    3. The same thing happened to me... I ended up making cinnamon buns instead because the roll part just wasnt working out. Unfortunate...

    4. I buttered my hands and counter in order to reduce the stickiness. Adding flour also helped with the sticky dough problem.

  2. Thanks so much, Camille! And I'm glad you are going to be doing this again. It was fun! I thought it would be a good idea to do this as an RS activity every few months. It was fun to watch the recipe being made instead of just getting a recipe. I learned all your awesome techniques besides enjoyed a yummy cinnamon roll. Thanks!

  3. They were great, we tried this tonight and they were close...but not quite! I don't think Mark frosted them enough.

  4. These look awesome! Found your site through Pintrest...can't wait to check out more recipes. Thanks for sharing! :)

  5. I want to try these, but how much is a cube of butter for the icing?

  6. Can you get us an 'idea' of the size (length, width) of the rectangle is...about???? please let me know via email please. I just stumbled on you, and don't want to lose you !

  7. where do you get orange concentrate?????????

    1. I took it as being frozen orange concentrate.. (frozen orange juice)

  8. Orange juice concentrate. The frozen orange juice, not diluted.

  9. Self riseing flour or reg.flour?

  10. This is almost the exact same reciepe as my 1 hour rolls- I use 1 cup oil. It always amazes people that I can have such great tasting rols from start to finish in about 1 hour. I've been using my reciepe for almost 26 years now!

    1. Patti could you send me your roll recipe? Thanks

  11. I made them forn the first time and came out great, but it sure makes alot. Do you think you can scale down the recipe for 12 rolls???

  12. These were so amazing. Thanks for the recipe.

  13. How much butter constitutes 1 cube?

  14. Am I reading the recipe right - 6 TABLESPOONS of yeast? Wowzers. I'm making these today and I am SO excited!

  15. Thank you for the recipe and the step by step photos! Looks great!!!

  16. I must admit, I didn't think this would be one hour start to finish - but it was! And the cinnamon rolls were perfect and delicious! Thanks for your recipe and detailed instructions. This is one of our new favorites that I'll probably be making weekly!

  17. I am making them the "let them rise" part before baking..usually how long is that? I can wait till they are done :)

  18. So I just finished putting these together and they are waiting to go in the oven. My dough seems too soft. They aren't holding their shape and look like big blobs on the pan! Any ideas what I did wrong? I'm not a very experienced bread maker as you can probably tell!

    1. A tip I use when making rolls, is when it comes time to divide the log, I use a think strand of sewing thread. Score/mark the log into your 12 pieces & then slide the thread under the log at each score, bring the ends up & pull in opposite directions as if you were going to tie the string. The thread will make a very clean cut for you without smashing the log as a knife might do. Makes it fast & easy & works every time. Just make sure you roll the log snug enuf first and then pinch the seam so it has a good seal. Then slice. Hope this helps. =)

    2. I use a length of dental floss to cut the rolls ... this way the dough does not stick to the thread. It's worth a try and works every time.

      Also try a savoury filling and sprinkle some grated cheese over. Great snack.

    3. I haven't tried this recipe yet but I use a pizza cutter to cut similar doughs .

  19. Awesome recipe! I made half a batch and used egg replacer instead of eggs {because of allergies} and they turned out GREAT! I am so glad I stumbled upon your recipe!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!!

  20. Just made them! A couple of alterations due to lack of ingredients - but they still turned out great!

  21. I'm sorry, but is it really 10,5 cups of flour, for those 3,5 cups of water???

    Is it right?

    I'm making it, and it looks great!

    1. OK. I made it. OMG.. it's amazing!!! Really works, and gets great!!!! amazing recipe!!!!! It's now among my favorites!

  22. Dana March 23, 2012March 23, 2012 at 5:05 PM

    This was amazing and so delicious! Never would have thought you could do it this quick. Thanks for the recipe.

  23. It was my second time trying this recipe and both time they turned out just wonderful!! I cut down to 1/3rd of every ingridient called for as there are only two of us living here :) I love it!!

  24. Does the "T " mean teaspoon or tablespoon?

  25. T is tablespoon, t is teaspoon.

  26. how did your dough turn out? in the pictures it looks soft but mine feels soo tough. my mixer could hardly handle it! i followed the recipe so i'm just waiting to see how it rolls out. Hopefully mine turn out awesome as well!

  27. I made the rolls and it is delicious!!thanks for the great tutorial!!

    Jokerman Electronics

  28. I'm making the rolls now - they are rising in the sheet pan now - they smell awesome and they are not in the oven yet. The recipe was very easy - thanks so much for posting this. I can't wait to eat them!

  29. Wow those turned out great!!!!! Thanks for the great tips and pictures that helped me alot!!!! My kids gobbled those right up!!!

  30. Delicious! Many thanks from the whole fam :)

  31. Thank you for sharing your cinnamon roll recipe. :) I have yet to compare it to my own go-to recipe, but the concept of cutting the time in half appeals to me! For those inquiring about a half recipe (1 doz. large)--

    Dough, part 1:

    1 3/4 c. warm water (110° F)
    1/4 c. + 2 T. white sugar
    1/4 c. canola oil
    3 T. instant yeast

    Dough, part 2:

    1 1/2 tsp. salt
    2 eggs
    5 1/4 c. all-purpose flour


    1/2 c. white sugar
    1 1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon


    1/2 stick butter (1/4 c.)
    dash of salt
    1 tsp. vanilla extract
    3 c. confectioner's sugar
    milk to desired consistency

    1. Omigosh thanks so much! You saved me a TON of math!!

    2. Don't forget the extra butter to spread on the dough before sprinkling the sugar-cinnamon mixture.

  32. I tried this. I opted out of using the oil, and used flour instead, and it worked great!

  33. Do these freeze well? And if so, do you freeze them before they rise, or bake them and put them in the freezer with/without icing? Wanting to make them ahead of time to take to the beach for vacation.

    1. I have never frozen them, so I don't know.

    2. Freeze before you bake them. Start on a cookie sheet first until frozen through, about an hour; then move to a ziptop bag for storage. Pull them out the night before and set them on/in the baking dish and let them rise. Next morning, bake as usual.

      I've done this with multiple cinnamon roll recipes and they come out great!

    3. thanks e2 great tip... will have to try it...

  34. What kind of mixer are you using in the picture?? I need a new one & I'd like to purchase one that will handle 10.5 cups of flour, that would be awesome!!

    1. That is a Bosch mixer. They are absolutely the best! I make 6 loaves of bread at a time, so that is 16-20 cups of flour!

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. My family loved the cinnamon rolls. Thank you for sharing your recipe

  37. Do you think it'd work just as well if I halved the recipe?

  38. this recipe didnt work for me... the dough was too runny... i even added more flour and let it sit longer... and it was still too runny...when i went to cut them and put them on the cookie sheet they plopped down and melted... ???

    1. You may have killed your yeast. When putting everything in the bowl if should go in this order: water, yeast, eggs, flour, salt sugar, and oil. When salt and sugar come in contact with yeast the yeast dies. Also, the water temp should not be too high either because that can kill the yeast too. And if you add the oil too soon your gluten won't have time to develop, so fat should go last. Hope this helps :)

    2. Generally, it is high temperature that kills yeast, which is a microorganism. Sugar and salt will not kill yeast on contact. Sugar actually feeds the yeast, while salt controls yeast development. It could also be that the yeast had "expired" due to age. You can "proof" your yeast by testing in a small amount of yeast in a bowl with some water, let set for about 5 minutes and see if there is any foaming or bubble formation....adding a pinch of sugar will increase carbon dioxide development.

  39. Do you freeze these? If so, do you freeze them before they rise, or bake them and put them in the freezer with/without icing? I have never frozen before they rise. Looking for the best way to enjoy them.

  40. If I split the recipe in half will I get 12 rolls instead of 24?

  41. When letting rise right before baking, how long does that take? I understand it depends on how large you want them but if you could tell me how long you let yours rise in the tutorial that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks :)

    1. I don't know. It differs every time depending on how warm it is. I honestly have never kept track.

  42. Thanks for the great recipe, I made them this morning for our guests and they were a big hit.

  43. You can freeze cinnamon rolls before or after you bake and frost them. If you freeze before baking do it before they rise and then take out of freezer and either put in fridge the night before to thaw or just take out and put on counter to thaw and rise. Bake and ice. You can also bake them and freeze them and ice after they thaw or you can bake and ice them first before freezing. I prefer to freeze them before baking if you have the time, otherwise the other ways are fine.

  44. I'm so behind on technology and have no mixer! Is there a way I can (unfortunately) do it by hand or a hand mixer...?


    1. I have made these twice, once with my stand mixer and the other time was at my sister's and she doesn't have a mixer so I just kneaded it bu hand for about 10 minutes. Worked just fine. Great recipe.

    2. I don't have a mixer either. I didn't even knead it for 10 minutes and mine still turned out perfect!! A GREAT recipe!

  45. Can you tell me how many yeast packets do I use? I am using Red Star Quick Rise yeast instant dry yeast. The packets say 1 packet = 2 and 1/4 teaspoons. If I did my math correctly it says to use 8 packets for the 6 tablespoons of yeast. I never buy the yeast in the jar.

    1. I never buy the packets, so I don't know. Sorry.

    2. I used the rapid rise and I just used 2 packets, each packet is 2 1/4 teaspoons, hope that helps!

    3. I did the math, and I got 8 packets. I don't know if you have to use less if it is quick rise though.

  46. Anybody knw how much calorie it is?

  47. how much milk do you use for the frosting?

  48. Can you use the dry yeast instead of the instant yeast? And if so is it the same amount?

  49. Disregard the last question. It just sunk in what the recipe was telling me. :/

  50. did you use 10, 1/2 cups of water,,, or 10 cups
    10 1/2 cups is 5 cups of water

  51. Iam sorry t means teaspoon and T tablespoon? .
    Yeast or baking power is the same for you?
    Iam from argentina and we have different measures.

    1. t means teaspoon, T is tablespoon. Yeast is not the same as baking powder.

  52. I can't wait to try these. I bake all the time and it has always taken so much longer to make.

  53. I made these tonight! My first cinn rolls I ever made and they turned out great! A lill doughy in middle in a few so probably shouldve left in oven a lil longer..but they are delicious!

  54. can i freeze the dough?

  55. Thank you so much for this recipe. I just stumbled across it on Pinterest this morning - and I've already made them! These are THE BEST cinnamon rolls I've ever made or have eaten!!! And by far the easiest to make. Thanks again!

  56. SO super easy and omg YUM! My kids were stalking the kitchen the entire hour. Make them, make them, make them.

  57. My amazing neighbor just made some today and brought some to me. Wow...these were delicious!!! But she made this recipe into 48 rolls, and they were still a very nice size. For the person wondering about the calories, I calculated about 225 calories for that size cinnamon roll, so that would be 450 calories if you make this recipe into 24 rolls. Worth. Every. Single. Calorie.

  58. I have been making these for years but we called them 60 minute cinnamon rolls. I have my students make these as well for the last day of the bread unit. They love them! One thing that I teach my kids is to use dental floss to cut the rolls because then they are all uniform and don't rise so much in the middle (and dry out). My recipe says to let them rest for five minutes then roll out, let them rise for 15 minutes and then bake.


  60. Can I it really 6 Tablespoons of yeast?? That seems like WAY TOO much...I want to make these tomorrow morning but am kinda nervous about all that yeast. Thanks in advance!!

    1. Well I halved the recipe (since there's only 3 of us) and it worked great. Used 3 T of yeast and it was perfect --not yeasty at all!! Great recipe thanks for sharing!!

  61. They were delicious! I halfed the recipe but did add about a 1/4 cup more flour. It took me 1 1/2 hours from start to finish but a lot of time was spent verifying each step. Next time will be much faster as it is an easy recipe.

  62. I cannot wait to try this recipe. Great job on the pics, they will be very helpful!


  63. I can't wait to give them a try. Thanks!

  64. I know a ton of people already asked, but i saw no response. How long is the second rise?

    1. Let them rise until they are to your liking. There is no set time.

  65. FYI I have tried to make cinnamon rolls probably over 100 times and they NEVER EVER turn out !!! I mean i have tried all of the tested and proved 100% unfailable recipes and none of them turned out. BUT... This recipe worked !!! Thanks so so so much they were wonderful !!!

  66. Can regular yeast be substituted for instant? Can anyone help me figure out measurements for 1/4 recipe? Cooking for one.

    1. for 6 rolls

      Dough, part 1:

      7/8 c. warm water (110° F)
      1/8 c. + 2 T. white sugar
      1/8 c. canola oil
      1 1/2 T. instant yeast

      Dough, part 2:

      3/4 tsp. salt
      1 eggs
      2 5/8 c. all-purpose flour


      1/4 c. white sugar
      3/4 tsp. ground cinnamon


      1/4 stick butter (1/8 c.)
      dash of salt
      1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
      1 1/2 c. confectioner's sugar
      milk to desired consistency

  67. This recipe looks fabulous and I'm getting ready to try it...could you freeze half of the rolls?? Not sure when to freeze-after dough is divided-or after you slice before the rise? Thanks for the recipe!! Kim T

  68. Disregard my earlier question...just read comments and the question had already been answered! Thanks again!!

  69. 400 fahrenheit? or celcius?

  70. hi! it says 10 in half cups of flour. is that correct. making them now =) but that sounds like an awful lot!

  71. I am not a baker, and have never made dough for cinnamon rolls. These are AMAZING, and very easy.I love that they don't have the air holes from multiple rise in the dough. I want to make a carmel drizzle for the next batch.

  72. Did you use a dough hook or a paddle attachment? My kitchenaid doesn't have a lid, can I use foil?

  73. What type of mixer is this? I do not reconize it?

  74. You all need to read the comments before you ask your questions!!! I don't know how many times I read question repeats! The answer to your question is probably in the above comments!

    1. -Yes it is really 10 and 1/2 cups of flour
      -t means teaspoon, T means Tablespoon
      -you can freeze the dough before you let it rise. When ready to bake, pull them out and let them thaw and rise then bake...or bake then freeze with or without frosting, it works either way.
      -yes, it really is 6T. of yeast
      -She has a Bosch mixer
      -let the rolls rise to your liking, there is no "set" time
      -add milk to the frosting to your liking, just don't make it too runny
      -If you don't want to make 24 rolls, cut the recipe in half to get 12 rolls....if you look at the above comments, someone was nice enough to post what you need for a half recipe.
      -Most ovens go by farenheit, so yes, it is 400 farenheit, not celcius...
      -to cut your rolls easier, use dental floss or string

    2. -And don't ask about calories!

    3. hahaha AGREED!!! Now this post needs to be highlighted at the very top of the page!!!!! lol :D

  75. Thanks!!! These are so easy that they are DANGEROUS!!! I love to make them and give them away!!! I am looking forward to our fall food festival at church.

  76. I just made these and they are quite delicious! My dough still stuck to the counter even though I oiled it. I ended up dusting the counter with flour and had no more problems. I've never made homemade cinnamon rolls so fast! Next time I'll definitely only make half a batch. They rolls are HUGE and the bread is tender and sweet. I might add some extra cinnamon next time and maybe do 1/2 white sugar and 1/2 brown sugar for the filling. Thanks for such a fantastic and quick recipe!

  77. LOVE CINNAMONNN :) ı can try it :)) can u click my web

  78. Are you using dried yeast? I'm sorry I'm in the UK and I really want to make these for company we have coming. Thanks so much

    1. I'm in Italy and have the same question. is it fresh or dry yeast?
      I really want to make these rolls :)

  79. I just made these yesterday and they were DELICIOUS!!!! I surprised hubby since I know cinnamon rolls are his favorite but always have been intimidated to make them, I thought I would give this recipe a try and they turned out perfect!!! the only thing I did a little different was add more cinnamon/sugar mix with each batch. THANK YOU!!! these were sooo good and easy to make!!!

  80. I love cinnamon rolls. We have them every Friday morning. I make a big batch, freeze them, and pop them in the oven. Fresh hot homemade cinnamon rolls in 10 minutes. They're great. If you'd like to check out my tutorial and the recipe:
    I'm really interested in trying yours too! Thanks for sharing them. :)

  81. Fantastic, just made a half batch and can't wait for my honey to get home to surprise him! Couldn't have been easier! Definitely going into my recipe box!

  82. Thank you SO much for sharing this recipe! I have been intimidated to make homemade cinnamon rolls for far too long and this quick & easy recipe was just what I needed! I made them twice this weekend (1/2 batch each time) and they turned out perfectly! They were absolutely delicious!

    I did find that it was easier to roll it out on a floured surface instead of oiled. (I did one batch each way)

  83. I love cinnamon rolls and so does my family! Especially when they get to eat them with chili for dinner and then the next day for breakfast! Can't wait to eat them now!

  84. with the yeast do you use the cubed yeast or the package of yeast? if it is a package of yeast is it rapid rise and do i use 1 package of it?

    1. I use SafInstant yeast. I don't know how to convert it to packages.

  85. These got rave reviews!!! Loved them. Made enough to take to work and share!

  86. mm your rolls looks soo delicious but i don't have yeast in my country so what substitue can i use instead of yeast!!

    1. I can't resist replying here. :) I cannot picture a single country where they don't have yeast. I think it may be a translation issue - and I don't want you to be deprived of delicious cinnamon rolls - even if this comment is four months after the fact. :)
      Yeast is what you use to make dough rise for bread. If you'd like, tell me where you're from and I can help you figure out what yeast is called where you are. Good luck!!

  87. How many rolls does this recipe make?

    1. Just like it says in the recipe, it makes 24.

  88. Made these yesterday, OMG, melt in your mouth. thanks so much for sharing such a wonderful recipe.

  89. Just pulled two pans out of the oven! I love the recipe and so does my wife!

  90. I plan to make these soon, but I'll freeze half the dough so I can enjoy them later with only half the work. Thanks for sharing.

  91. At my own fault, I had the worst experience making these cinnamon rolls. I mistakenly read 1/2 cup warm water at the very beginning, leaving my dough short of 3 cups of liquid. Realized it after I added the last set of ingredients, tried adding the water later, just about killed my home-grade Kitchenaid trying to mix up this double batch, the dough was looking good, but when I took it out it was a big sticky, oozing mess. Lots of dry clumps were stuck to the bottom of the bowl. At least it didn't waste all of my day, only about an hour! I'll definitely try it again the RIGHT way. Thought I'd share my humorous experience!

  92. My dough is way too sticky and runny... I can't even roll up the dough to make the rolls. This was not a very good experience.

    1. My dough was also too sticky and runny. This recipe would have been a disaster however I added extra flour until the dough was easier to handle. This worked out great and they ended up fantastic. Flour measuring methods differ and so can climate when working with yeast-flour baking. Don't be afraid to gradually add more flour or liquid as opposed to being unhappy or ruining an otherwise fine recipe.

    2. Add more flour next time. Every kind of flour has different moisture contents.

  93. Hi there. I'm wondering if I can use a hand mixer as I don't have any other mixer. Thanks in advance!

    1. I wouldn't. Hand mixers aren't strong enough.

  94. Melissa in MarrakeshNovember 17, 2012 at 3:33 PM

    I tried these tonight. I followed the halved recipe exactly and came out with runny, too sticky dough like some of the others. I was able to pat it out in a square and then roll it up as best I could, but I definitely think I should have added more flour or something. By this point, it was too late, so I just stuck them in the oven as big globs. They didn't really rise or brown on top. They are definitely still edible, but are more like a cinnamon bread, instead of gooey, pull-apart rolls. I'm not sure what I did wrong, because I read all of the comments first and followed the advice listed as far as not killing the yeast and such. Oh well, maybe it's because I live in Morocco and our yeast is different. I will probably try again and add some more flour. I just wanted a little taste of home!!! Better luck next time.

  95. Best Cinnamon Rolls EVER! I make these at my shop and I can't keep them in the case! Thank you for the recipe!

  96. I am going to try these rolls this morning, I can't wait! Thanks for sharing :)

  97. Love these!! Love the way you are so detailed about how long to wait and what to do next!! Thanks for sharing Oh I also love how you refer to your Mom!! Very precious !

  98. Thanks for the recipe! I halved the recipe and it worked out great! :) Quick and easy, as advertised. I'm going to try and find a less sweet filling recipe with a stronger cinnamon flavor, but this is definitely my go-to cinnamon roll recipe now. Thanks again.

  99. Can you make the dough ahead a week and freeze it?

  100. What is a cube of butter?

  101. I am making these for a very special birthday girl today. Jenni L. turns 19 years old today and she has had a very busy year helping her Mom with her younger siblings as her sister has been in and out of the hospital. Thank you so much for the recipe I made it for my three kids a week ago and they are amazing rolls. The posters that are commenting that the dough is too moist need to remember that all flour contains different amounts of moister and the baker needs to add extra flour to compensate. ~~Kim

  102. I cut this recipe into thirds and the rolls were amazing!! This will now be my go to cinnamon roll recipe

  103. Do you use your dough hook or regular mixer paddle for this recipe?

  104. Would it be possible to make the dough the night before and then cook them in the morning, or would that ruin the dough? Thanks!

  105. thank you, thank you, thank you, we made this recipe for Christmas morning....WOW....thanks again... and thanks to the person that divided the recipe

  106. Trying recipe for the first time - dough is VERY sticky so like others hope it turns out. Dough is in the process of rising (I hope). All of the previous comments were helpful so appreciate others taking the time to comment. Can hardly wait to taste the results!

  107. Just made these this morning. Delicious! I added a little orange zest to the frosting because I didn't have any oj concentrate and it was very tasty. Thanks for posting your recipe.

  108. Just made up a batch of these -- by hand, rolled and cut -- and they are in fridge waiting to be baked first thing in the morning. Dough was really soft, but in my experience, that is a very good thing! Cannot wait to bite into one!!

  109. I did it and I'm eating it right now! It's so good! Thanks for sharing!
    Nadia Damigou

  110. .


    1. Thanks for sharing the photo. They look delicious!

    2. They disappeared in seconds.... easy and quickly recipe... thanx again for sharing . mary

  111. Now I have a new made from scratch treat that is Yummy. I used the 3 packets of rapid rising yeast for a half batch and they turned out perfect! Fun to make. Thanks for posting. from sunny Florida!

  112. What kind of mixer is that, I want one!!

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  113. toni modaffari thorenJanuary 13, 2013 at 12:19 PM

    making today.......they look so good, I am going to make half the batch with my sticky bun syrup.........ty and Bless you

  114. OMG, just got done eating one of these fantabulous rolls!! Thank you so much for putting this recipe out into cyber-space for all of us! My family is going to devour these so fast. Love, love, love the frosting! It totally is the best ever :)

  115. how do I just print the recipe? Not 46 pages

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  116. Is that 4 1/2 Tablespoons of saf instant yeast?

  117. Is that 4 1/2 Tablespoons of saf instant yeast?

  118. I'm stunned at how easily this recipe came together. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. My family owned a bakery when I was young and they are not easily impressed with my baking efforts. Until now, that is. I blew them away with this recipe. Even my 86 y/o mother approved. That's a first! Bless you for sharing.

  119. Found this recipe on Pinterest and finally decided to try it out this morning. My fiancé is sitting here with a very content smile on his face... they're a huge hit. I cut the recipe to a third, still ended up with 10 rolls. I found that oiling up my hands, my length of dental floss, and my work surface kept the very-sticky dough from sticking to everything. They did look like big blobs, but they are VERY TASTY big blobs. SOOOO glad I pinned this recipe. THANK YOU!

  120. My kids came home from school as I was taking them out of the oven and immediately their mouths were watering as they smelled so good. Very thorough instructions & pictures....reminded me of the rolls school made when I was a kid. Thank you for posting this that will be passed down to future generations in my family

  121. Made these yesterday, super easy and delicious! Next time I will cut recipe in half, my mixer couldn't handle it very well, plus my waste can't either!

  122. sorry but you don't say how much flour to put in the bowl

  123. Should i mix by hand? I do not have a mixer!

  124. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I just made it and it's so easy and wonderful, this will always be my go-to recipe from now on!

  125. can you use a gluten free flour substitute?

  126. 6T seems like a lot of yeast? I cut it down to 3 pakages they rised nicely. I got 3 pans out of this recipe. Total of 36 rolls. Anxious to see how they turn out.

  127. With the icing, if you find that you've added to much milk, just add in a bit more powdered sugar:)

  128. We just made these for Easter breakfast this morning and everyone LOVED them! I made a 6 second Vine video under Lovage BabyBlends - Boston. You can check out our clip there. Thanks again for sharing:)

  129. Does anyone know if you can use the fast rising yeast for this recipe and how much would you use??

  130. I just made this today, but did half the recipe & OMGSHHHH this is a new forever fav. recipe in my house!!!!i will be baking the second hlaf tomorrow!! they are AMAZING!! christmas mornings, holidays, sundays, you name it this will make you the talk of the town!!!!

  131. These look great and I like how little time is involved; but
    Has anyone used this dough recipe to make sticky buns?

  132. Just made these. As others have stated the dough was extremely sticky. I rolled the first half out as instructed and almost didn't get them rolled up, cut and in the pan. The second half I dusted the dough and counter with flour and had better luck getting them to roll and hold together. With that being said, they turned out BIG and tasty!! I think with a little tweeking I can make this work. I will need to get a bigger Kitchen Aid, was not able to let it mix for the full 10 min, had to stop it at 5 min because it was getting hot. All in all a good recipe!!!!! Thanks for sharing!
